Frequently Asked Questions

What do you mean by saying that Puroa Goods products make a perfect snack?

Puroa Goods products make a perfect snack since they have all the essential elements you could ever wish for a great snack. Puroa Goods products are rich in protein, which keeps you full longer. They are always made with whole foods to restore all the fiber, vitamins, minerals and other goodness the berries, fruit, and veggies embody. By adding gluten-free Nordic oats, we include good carbs in our products to provide you with a boost in energy. Healthy fats from the nuts and nut butters we use provide lasting energy for your brain.

 Puroa Goods products are a carefully selected combination of Nordic empowered superfoods to keep your body and brain nourished throughout the day. 

I am intolerant to lactose and gluten. Can I enjoy Puroa Goods products?

Yes, absolutely! All of our Puroa Goods smoothies and protein snacks contain:

  • No dairy

  • No animal products

  • No gluten

  • No added sugar

  • No artificial sweeteners or other additives

  • No pasteurization

I have a nut allergy. Can I enjoy Puroa Goods products?

If you have a nut allergy, we encourage you not to consume Puroa Goods products since most of our products contain nuts or nut butters, as we use them to bring healthy fats to our products. We do have some products that do not contain nuts themselves, but we make them in a facility that processes nuts. However, we are constantly working on coming up with new nut-free products. So stay tuned!

Do Puroa Goods products include added sugar?

No, as we are very proud of our 100% real stuff products, we never add sugar or artificial sweeteners. The sugar in our smoothies comes always from the whole berries and fruit we use. This gives our products their original, yet super-yummy smooth & sour flavor.

Do Puroa Goods products include fiber?

As fiber is one of the most important elements of a great snack, we use only whole foods, like berries, fruits, and vegetables, and never juices or juice concentrates. We want to make sure that your Puroa Goods product always contains a good amount of fiber so that it gives you stable energy.

What is HPP?

HPP stands for “high-pressure processing”, which we use to keep our plant-based smoothies safe. We use HPP because it helps our smoothies to maintain high nutritional values while minimally impacting vitamins, antioxidants, and nutrition in the products. HPP applies high enough pressure to a bottle of smoothie to inactivate potential harmful pathogens. HPP makes the shelf life of our smoothies longer, which decreases the amount of food waste. Yet, our smoothies taste unbelievably fresh.

How long is my Puroa Goods product good for?

All Puroa Goods products have a “best before” date printed on them.  

Typically our smoothies last for two months. All the nutrients are maintained in our smoothie process. Nutrients will diminish over time but due to the rather short shelf life, the nutrient content is maintained until enjoyed. Our smoothies should always be kept in a refrigerator until you are ready to enjoy them. When opened, your Puroa Goods smoothie should be enjoyed within two days.

Why is there some separation in my Puroa Goods smoothie?

As we live by our value proposition of using only 100% real stuff in our products, we don’t add any artificial emulsifiers (i.e. food additives, which form or maintain a uniform emulsion of two or more phases in food), sediment may occur. The sediment is a natural occurrence in our smoothies. We always recommend shaking up your smoothie and all the vitamins and other good stuff in it in order to shake the separation away.

If the smoothie bottle is bloated, is it safe to consume?

Absolutely not. If your smoothie bottle is bloated, please do not consume it as it may have spoiled.

Why are Puroa Goods smoothies packed in plastic bottles?

The use of HPP requires the smoothie bottles to be plastic. We only use recyclable PET plastic bottles provided by responsible manufacturers. It is also our responsibility to educate consumers to recycle plastic packages. We feel very strongly about our value sustainability and are constantly monitoring options to make our packaging more sustainable by e.g. using rPET plastic in our bottles.

Where are Puroa Goods products made?

All Puroa Goods products are made in Finland, which makes us really proud.

Are Puroa Goods products organic?

We try to use as much as we can organic ingredients in our Puroa Goods products. However, coming from Finland where the berries come from the purest Nordic forests, the use of local and seasonal ingredients is even more important to us.

Why do the taste and colors of the Puroa Goods smoothies vary?

Like the berries, fruit, and vegetables you eat have natural variations in taste and color, so do our smoothies. Tastes and colors may vary due to natural variations depending on the season. Some ingredients, such as apple and some greens, are also very sensitive and change color over time. This does not affect the food safety or taste of the product, only the color is affected.

Using locally sourced and seasonal ingredients to produce our products is of high importance to us. By doing this, we are able to operate more sustainably as the ingredients come close by.

Have a question in mind?

If you have a question related to our products that we did not answer here, please feel free to reach out. We’re happy to help!